
The full travel and expenses policy can be found here. This is the University travel and expenses policy webpage: link. Quotes in the following page are taken from this webpage.

The estimate can be broken down in separate components:

My basic advice is: Overestimate

Pick your perfect travel plans. The best flight times, the best airports, the least waiting around.
You want to give them your absolute maximum flight price because flights change price all the time.
You might go to book the cheapest flight you asked for and find that it’s booked up, or the price has doubled in the time it has taken to do all the admin work.

“4. The University will reimburse the cost of a National Railcard BUT only after the savings made exceed the cost of the Railcard itself. “ : I haven’t heard of anyone doing this so give it a go and update here if it worked.

Find a hotel you like the look of, consider the distance to the conference, the reviews, the breakfast options.
Select the dates you want to go and see how much the prices are per night (if the hotel gives you a breakdown).
Choose the most expensive night and multiply it for the number of nights you’re going.
If you can’t see the most expensive night then round it up to the nearest £100.
Again, hotels get booked up fast for big conferences or multiple people visiting the website and selecting the same dates can drive up the price, hotels use dynamic pricing to see their rooms for as much as they can.

“1. Rates increased for accommodation, the maximum rate for a UK Hotel (including VAT) in London is £150 and £120 outside of London. Oversea Hotels have a limit (including VAT) of £250.”

There is a set rate for each meal in a day, receipts are required for each purchase:

Note: You can no longer include an alcoholic drink with a meal as part of your claim.
Note: Breakfast can’t be claimed for if it is included with your hotel.
Note: Don’t be afraid to spend as much as you can, most people don’t use up their whole travel budget.
Note: You can claim for coffees during the day too but I do not know the limit.

Conference Fees
You can get these paid by the ICG credit card.
You do not need to pay these yourself.
If something goes wrong and you can’t go to the conference then the ICG is on the hook for the money, not you.
Travel requests can happen months before the conference, conference fees can be hundreds of £s and you cannot claim the fee back until after the conference. Get the ICG to pay for it.

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