
Dear Arthur,

Thank you for completing the google form for a travel request. I am pleased to confirm that your request has been approved

Place of travel: Queen Mary University, London
Dates of travel: 15th-17th April ‘24
Approval for travel from: Sharon Lewis
Cost centre: 10% 18387, 40% 18371, 50% 41052

Travel and accommodation

Staff: please use the Concur travel and expenses system, and raise a ‘request’ to include your travel itinerary.

Student: please email Reed and Mackay with your travel itinerary. This needs to include dates, departure point, arrival point and destination.

Reed and Mackay can also be contacted by telephone +44 (0)20 8051 1824. Please note that their office opening hours are Monday to Friday 08:30-18:00.

If the conference organisers have preferential rates for accommodation you can provide Reed & Mackay with the details (e.g. promotion codes) to secure the rates. Alternatively if the conference organiser includes the accommodation with the conference fee (e.g. University accommodation, not a hotel) ICG can pay for this in advance with the registration fee.

Once you have agreed your itinerary with Reed & Mackay they will require a Purchase Order Number (PO). Please send all the details to the email address and the admin team can raise the order and once authorised by finance can provide you with the PO number for Reed & Mackay, who will confirm the booking

Conference fees

Conference fees can be paid in a number of ways:

a) with a University credit card with the ICG admin office. You need to arrange a convenient time to do this and be in person at the admin office with your laptop. Please complete in advance the conference registration details up to the point of paying the fee. b) University bank transfer (you need to allow at least three weeks for this method to be processed) c) you can pay the fees yourself and claim for reimbursement.


(NOTE: both of the links in this paragraph are broken in the original email too, they should point here)

Subsistence (local travel, meals etc) can be claimed for your trip. For guidance on rates please see the UoP travel policy and overseas travel rates. Please note you cannot claim a per diem day rate for expenses, these are not considered to be an eligible cost by funded grants, you need to submit receipts for all costs incurred.

For reimbursement of costs you incur, staff can claim for reimbursement via Concur, PhD students to complete and submit an ICGeFIN30.

Additional information

In exceptional circumstances, where Reed and Mackay are not used for travel bookings, (and has the authorisation of the Deputy Director of Finance in advance for this), you have to register your travel itinerary with Healix. They are contracted to provide advice and support to travellers whilst on University business, in the instances of a medical emergency, natural disaster, flight delays and other incidents such as terrorist attacks or civil unrest. Please refer to the guidance for further information:

Please note that for links on the University portal, you will need to be connected to the VPN if working outside of the University network.

If you have any questions please contact the Admin Team using (we will try our best, we are still learning!) and enjoy your trip.

Best wishes,
